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Comprendre en profondeur le fonctionnement DNS

Comprendre en profondeur le fonctionnement du système de noms de domaine (DNS) Introduction : Le système de noms de domaine (DNS) est un pilier fondamental d’Internet qui facilite la résolution des noms de domaine en adresses IP. Dans cet article approfondi, nous allons explorer en détail le fonctionnement du DNS, en nous basant sur les informations tirées des articles “How DNS Works” et “Difference Between Iterative and Recursive DNS Query” disponibles sur https://www. Read More...

Tagged domains, subdomains, domain records, mx records, cname records


Use dig to Perform Manual DNS Queries

dig is a command line domain name system (DNS) querying utility that allows you to diagnose issues with domain name resolution. Installing Dig dig is part of a collection of DNS utilities often packaged with the DNS server “BIND”. You can install these utilities by issuing the appropriate command for your Linux distribution. For users of Debian and Ubuntu systems, use the following command: apt-get install dnsutils Users of CentOS and Fedora systems can use the following command: yum install bind-utils In Arch Linux, use the following command: pacman -S dnsutils Using Dig Consider the following basic dig output: Read More...

Tagged dig, troubleshooting, domain names


Introduction to DNS Records

The Domain Name System (DNS) is a worldwide directory that maps names to addresses and vice versa. It also provides many other types of information about computing resources. Although the DNS operates largely hidden from view, the global Internet would not work without it. This guide explains what DNS is, how it works, and how to build your own authoritative name server. This is the first in a series of four DNS guides. Read More...

Tagged domains, subdomains, domain records, mx records, cname records