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how to reset the configuration of ASA to default from tranparent mode.

This will show you how to reset the configuration of ASA to default from tranparent mode.. The following example show how to configure it.

Reset of the ASA

Access the Appliance Console

Follow these steps to access the appliance console. Procedure

  1. Connect a computer to the console port using the provided console cable, and connect to the console using a terminal emulator
        set for 9600 baud
        8 data bits
        no parity
        1 stop bit
        no flow control.
  1. Press the Enter key to see the following prompt:
This prompt indicates that you are in user EXEC mode. Only basic commands are available from user EXEC mode.
  1. To access privileged EXEC mode, enter the following command:
        ciscoasa> enable
    The following prompt appears:
    All non-configuration commands are available in privileged EXEC mode. You can also enter configuration mode from privileged EXEC mode.
    Enter the enable password at the prompt.

disable transparent mode

  1. Disable transparent mode
        ciscoasa# config t
        ciscoasa(config)# no firewall transparent

Reset ASA to Factory Defaults

  1. Restore initial configuration
        ciscoasa(config)# configure factory-default 
        Based on the inside IP address and mask, the DHCP address
        pool size is reduced to 250 from the platform limit 256
        WARNING: The boot system configuration will be cleared.
        The first image found in disk0:/ will be used to boot the
        system on the next reload.
        Verify there is a valid image on disk0:/ or the system will
        not boot.
        Begin to apply factory-default configuration:
        Clear all configuration
        Executing command: !
        Executing command: interface Management1/1
        Executing command:  management-only
        Executing command:  no nameif
        Executing command:  no security-level
        Executing command:  no ip address
        Executing command:  no shutdown
        Executing command:  exit
        Executing command: !
        Executing command: interface GigabitEthernet1/1
        Executing command:  nameif outside
        INFO: Security level for "outside" set to 0 by default.
        Executing command:  security-level 0
        Executing command:  ip address dhcp setroute
        Executing command:  no shutdown
        Executing command:  exit
        Executing command: !
        Executing command: interface GigabitEthernet1/2
        Executing command:  nameif inside
        INFO: Security level for "inside" set to 100 by default.
        Executing command:  security-level 100
        Executing command: ip address
        Executing command:  no shutdown
        Executing command:  exit
        Executing command: !
        Executing command: object network obj_any
        Executing command: subnet
        Executing command: nat (any,outside) dynamic interface
        Executing command: exit
        Executing command: !
        Executing command: http server enable
        Executing command: http inside
        Executing command: !
        Executing command: dhcpd auto_config outside
        Executing command: dhcpd address inside
        Executing command: dhcpd enable inside
        Executing command: !
        Executing command: logging asdm informational
        Executing command: !
        Executing command: !
        Executing command: !
        Factory-default configuration is completed 

The configuration consists of the following commands:

        interface management 0/0
        ! or interface management 1/1
        ip address
        nameif management
        security-level 100
        no shutdown
        asdm logging informational 100
        asdm history enable
        http server enable
        http management
        dhcpd address management
        dhcpd lease 3600
        dhcpd ping_timeout 750
        dhcpd enable management 
  1. Write the configuration for persistence
        ciscoasa(config)# write
        Building configuration...
        Cryptochecksum: 08f5751d cd2b2754 06ba5ae6 42fccde5 
        2940 bytes copied in 0.270 secs
  1. Reboot the firewall
        ciscoasa(config)# reload
        Proceed with reload? [confirm] 