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WireShark Filters

Wireshark Filters


This document is meant to serve as a quick reference for points of interest in IP, TCP, UDP and ICMP headers. I cobbled the information from a variety of sources, all listed at the bottom of this page. This information will (hopefully) be useful to people building filters for network tools that use BPF, such as tcpdump or snort. I was moved to collect all of this stuff in one place after completing “Intrusion Detection In-Depth” at a recent SANS conference. Yes, I’m aware that some of these offsets are covered by tcpdump macros.

IP byte offsets


ip[0] & 0x0f		- protocol version
ip[0] & 0xf0		- protocol options
ip[0] & 0xff00		- internet header length
ip[1]			- TOS
ip[2:2]			- Total length
ip[4:2]			- IP identification
ip[6] & 0xa		- IP flags
ip[6:2] & 0x1fff 	- fragment offset area
ip[8]			- TTL
ip[9]			- protocol field
ip[10:2]		- header checksum
ip[12:4]		- src IP address
ip[16:4]		- dst IP address
ip[20:3]		- options
ip[24]			- padding

Src IP = Dest IP (land attack)

(ip[12:4] = ip[16:4])

IP versions !=4

(ip[0] & 0xf0 != 0x40)

IP with options set:

(ip[0:1] & 0x0f > 5)

Broadcasts to x.x.x.255:

(ip[19] = 0xff)

Broadcasts to x.x.x.0

(ip[19] = 0x00)

TCP byte offsets, including anomalous TCP flag settings.

tcp[0:2]		- src port
tcp[2:2]		- dst port
tcp[4:4]		- seq number
tcp[8:4]		- ack number
tcp[12] & 0x00ff	- data offset
tcp[12] & 0xff00	- reserved
tcp[13]			- tcp flags

tcp[13] & 0x3f = 0	- no flags set (null packet)
tcp[13] & 0x11 = 1	- FIN set and ACK not set
tcp[13] & 0x03 = 3	- SYN set and FIN set
tcp[13] & 0x05 = 5	- RST set and FIN set
tcp[13] & 0x06 = 6	- SYN set and RST set
tcp[13] & 0x18 = 8	- PSH set and ACK not set
tcp[13] & 0x30 = 0x20	- URG set and ACK not set
tcp[13] & 0xc0 != 0	- >= one of the reserved bits of tcp[13] is set

tcp[14:2]		- window
tcp[16:2]		- checksum
tcp[18:2]		- urgent pointer
tcp[20:3]		- options
tcp[23]			- padding
tcp[24]			- data

UDP byte offsets, header only

udp[0:2]		- src port
udp[2:2]		- dst port
udp[4:2]		- length
udp[6:2]		- checksum
udp[8:4]		- first 4 octets of data

Crafted packets with impossible UDP lengths:

udp[4:2] < 0) or (udp[4:2] > 1500


icmp[0]			- type
icmp[1]			- code
icmp[3:2]		- checksum

Destination Unreachable:

icmp[0] = 0x3 (3) 

icmp[4:4]		- unused (per RFC]
icmp[8:4]		- internet header + 64 bits original data
icmp[1]			- 0 = net unreachable;
			- 1 = host unreachable;
			- 2 = protocol unreachable;
			- 3 = port unreachable;
			- 4 = fragmentation needed and DF set;
			- 5 = source route failed.

Time Exceeded:

icmp[0] = 0xB (11)	

icmp[4:4]		- unused (per RFC]
icmp[8:4]		- internet header + 64 bits original data
icmp[1]			- 0 = TTL exceeded intransit
			- 1 = fragment reassembly time exceeded

Parameter Problem:

icmp[0] = 0xC (12)	

icmp[1]			- 0 = pointer indicates error
icmp[4]			- pointer 
icmp[5:3]		- unused, per RFC
icmp[8:4]		- internet header + 64 bits original data

Source Quench:

icmp[0] = 0x4 (4)

icmp[1]			- 0 = may be received by gateway or host
icmp[4:4]		- unused, per RFC
icmp[8:4]		- internet header + 64 bits original data

Redirect Message:

icmp[0] = 0x5 (5)

icmp[1]			- 0 = redirect for network
			- 1 = redirect for host
			- 2 = redirect for TOS & network
			- 3 = redirect for TOS & host
icmp[4:4]		- gateway internet address
icmp[8:4]		- internet header + 64 bits original data

Echo/Echo Reply:

icmp[0]	= 0x0 (0) (echo reply)
icmp[0]	= 0x8 (8) (echo request)

icmp[4:2]		- identifier
icmp[6:2]		- sequence number
icmp[8]			- data begins

Timestamp/Timestamp Reply:

icmp[0] = 0xD (13) (timestamp request)
icmp[0] = 0xE (14) (timestamp reply)

icmp[1]			- 0
icmp[4:2]		- identifier
icmp[6:2]		- sequence number
icmp[8:4]		- originate timestamp
icmp[12:4]		- receive timestamp
icmp[16:4]		- transmit timestamp 

Information Request/Reply:

icmp[0] = 0xF (15) (info request)
icmp[0] = 0x10  (16) (info reply)

icmp[1]			- 0
icmp[4:2]		- identifier
icmp[6:2]		- sequence number

Address Mask Request/Reply:

icmp[0] = 0x11 (11) (address mask request)
icmp[0] = 0x12 (12) (address mask reply)


  • RFC768, “User Datagram Protocol Specification”
  • RFC791, “Internet Protocol Specification”
  • RFC792, “Internet Control Message Protocol Specification”
  • RFC793, “Transmission Control Protocol”
  • filter files from SHADOW-1.8 source distribution
  • man pages for tcpdump
  • “TCP/IP and tcpdump Pocket Reference Guide”, SANS